When you create something, a png will be stored in the My Spore Creations folder. These files should be transferable between the PC and Mac version and are important to back-up if you need to re-install your game without losing your save games. old to make a back-up (or simply drag it into another folder). If the problem stil insists or a double was created again, delete both files. package files you can safely delete either one or both. If you find yourself with a double of one of the non-critical.

*non-critical - no reason to delete these files \MVJCache\ contains image cache of ingame sporepedia *non-critical - deleting this may resolve settings-related issues \Preferences\ contains your game settings. *CRITICAL - deleting this will ruin all your saved games. \Games\ contains your game save file (Game0.old is backup) *non-critical - delete this if you wish to refresh your in-game Sporepedia. Pollination.package contains all creature, vehicle, and building cards (png) in your Sporepedia *CRITICAL - needed for your saved games to have proper creatures. Planets.package contains a png of every planet you visited *non-critical - the game will easily regenerate all the 3D models from the png's GraphicsCache.package is the cache of 3D models of all creations *CRITICAL - do not delete when refreshing regen or the game will screw up. Mac: Username > Library > Preferences > SPORE Preferences > p_drive > User > Application Data > SPOREĮditorSaves.package is the index of all that's in your My Creations and Everything of Sporepedia They can be found in following directories: Note, some of those are critical and will mess up your game if deleted or renamed. Many issues and glitches can be solved by deleting or transfering. It also explains what the files in the folders do. This guide will show you what folders you need to backup should you need to backup some files regularly, or you are simply transferring saves. Decided to assemble the information here for easy reading. I took this information from this site here, since i think its useful and ive seen some people have asked about this a lot.